Clinton Mold Remediation Done Right
Water and humidity can lead to a mold infestation in a Clinton bathroom. The Before Photo shows mold growth on the walls and ceiling of this shower stall. SERVPRO AMRT applied microbial remediation technicians understand that a partial demolition of non-salvageable drywall or green board may be the correct course of action. Though we strive to restore and not replace damaged building materials, we follow industry guidelines to ensure that the mold infestation has been stymied, with the least chance of another attack. The After Photo shows the neat job of removing the materials; the ceiling was not removed because we can scrape off the growth and apply antifungal agents to complete our portion of the job. We can hand-off the mold remediation to our customer's choice of contractor for the build back. Contractors always enjoy working behind our cleanup and restoration services, knowing they do not have to return due to hidden moisture or reinfestations. Why SERVPRO? Now you know!